In all candor I went ahead and kind of stole from Nicole's bio to introduce her. Many of you probably are well acquainted with her amazing photography, if not with her personally. You can and should view her work on her site
It probably doesn't surprise you that Nicole likes a lot of great bands, their albums and their shows, most of which we are fortunate enough to get to see through her eyes via her art.
Here are her favorite albums from 2013. Thanks Nicole!
Nicole Kibert (elawgrrl) Best of 2013
1. Frank Turner - Tape Deck Heart
2. The Front Bottoms - Talon Of The Hawk
3. Have Gun, Will Travel - Fiction, Fact or Folktale
4. Jason Isbell - Southeastern
5. Into It. Over It. - Intersections
6. Lemuria - The Distance Is So Big
7. Off With Their Heads - Home
8. Red City Radio - Titles
9. Shai Hulud - Reach Beyond The Sun
10. The Whiskey Gentry - Holly Grove
Most anticipated record of 2014 - You Blew It - "Keep Doing What You're Doing" due out January 14
Also anticipating new live recordings from Tim Barry & Lucero, as well as new studio records from Tiny Empires, Look Mexico and Old Flings. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
You can find Nicole's favorite images from the shows she shot in 2013 here.
A few featuring her top 10 below.

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