. . . I was never that good at the words anyways - bn

. . . you're not punk and i'm tellin everyone, save your breath i never was one - bs

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

American Aquarium - Burn.Flicker.Die - Out today

Today is the official release date of American Aquarium's new (Jason Isbell produced) album Burn.Flicker.Die on Last Chance Records.

Assuming you are familiar with their sound, this album takes all of the impressive stuff they've done previously and somehow improves on it. That is to say it's really fucking good. If you haven't heard them, might as well start with this album and work your way back through the catalog.

Go here to buy Burn.Flickr.Die and their previous releases. Check out their tour dates too, live show is not to be missed. They'll be coming through DC on September 9 7th for a FREE show at Hill Country Live downtown.


  1. Hey Andy, their website says the DC show is Sep 7 not Sep 9...wouldn't want you to miss it.

  2. Thanks for catching my mistake....i am hoping to make it out...
